To fortune man is just a pawn,
And till from earth he's dead and gone,
A happy life he hasn't led
For Dest'ny cares not where we tread
In life, she is a terrible judge.
If you're at peace she'll give a nudge
Then soon you're wealth she'll confiscate
And leave you poor to speculate
Why fate has been so cruel

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Futile Babble

The time was 12:00:58 1/31/07. The place, was in my chair, at the computer. I was in Latin class. The teacher had just announced breaktime (which lasts for around 10 minutes), and the chat had momentarily stopped. Then, it started up again.
"So... did you like so and so?"
"Who likes that new album by so and so?"
"Oh, I love hot cocoa!"
"I have to go watch that. Was it good?"
"I'm going to go grab my ipod."
"Man, that was the best movie ever! My favorite part is..."
And then, I stood back, and looked at the big picture. It was a sad sight, I must say. This is all kids talk about now-a-days, and it does rather appall me, although I cannot say I myself am not guilty of occasionaly indulging in such capricious, fruitless, foolish chatter. All teens, preteens, and even young adults talk about movies, video games, and music. It's kind of sad. Whatever happened to politics? Ethics? Science? Government? History? *sighs and shakes head*

O tempora! O mores!

Well. Maybe kids never talked about those things anyways. Come to think of it... they never even talked. Well, there's always time for change. I, for one, would like to see a change in that.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


If you ask the kids [in America] what they want or need, they will say an iPod or some sneakers. In South Africa, they don't ask for money or toys. They ask for uniforms so they can go to school." —Oprah Winfrey, venting her frustration with young Americans' obsession with material things, when asked why she built a school in South Africa instead of the United States [, 1/24/07;, 1/23/07]

How sad is that? It makes me shake my head.


Monday, January 29, 2007


Today, I happened to hear some brief points covered in a conversational manner about cloning. One of them is not religious. I mean, he knows about christianity and atheism and stuff, but he doestn' really care. The other, I'm not exactly sure, but I think he leans a little more to the Christian side. Well, anyways, a disscussion was started about cloning. I think that it was generally agreed that human cloning is bad, at least in a complete way.

Okay. Say you have a kid. That kid has Down's syndrome, or something like that. It is ok, and probably even 'right' (If this was possible at least) to geneticly modify the person so as to get rid of the problem. But to completely clone a person is just like... weird... so it probably shouldn't be done (maybe there's something in the conscience that just says it's wrong, I don't know)

Is that the right take? No. Let me repeat that. No, it is not the right take. The first flaw in that reasoning is that it is not from a Christian perspective. I mean, I'm sure 99% of Christians would agree that cloning is bad. But why is that? Say someone said, 'I think cloning is a good thing. We can make lower-intelligence people to do all the dirty work. It would be great.' You would most likely say,
'No, cloning is bad! We should avoid it! Baaaaaaad!' But then, the other person says, 'Why is it bad? I don't see anything wrong with it.' How would you reply to that? 'Um, well, because it feels wrong.'
I'm afraid that just won't cut it, and the other person will walk away laughing at you and your up-tight religious ethics.

Now, you're probably sitting there thinking, "Oh, cool, he's going to tell me what's wrong with cloning! Now I can know how to reply to that question, and not have to walk away ruefully wondering why cloning is bad." I'm afraid I don't have the answers you're looking for. You see, I was listening the disscussion above above (which by the way didn't last that long, and there was no heated debate or anything), and I was thinking, "Cloning is bad. Stay away. Evil." You know, the little beeper in the back of my head went off. Cloning = bad. As I was about to voice my opinion, I realized that I had no solid arguments against cloning. This made me think. What is bad about cloning? Is there anything wrong with it? I mean, it's just taking DNA making a person... what's wrong with that? I then came to the conclusion that cloning is fine, and there are no reasons that it's bad or unethical to a Christian. I mean think about it.

Did I scare you? No, that's not what I think. But to answer these sorts of things, you have to ask those sorts of questions.

Ok, so, cloning is taking something and copying it. But not just any old thing. A living thing. That is the key. Basicly, you're playing God. What's wrong with that you ask? Well, just look at where Satan ended up. He wanted to be like God and look at what happened to him. Sure don't envy him. Maybe if we create lower-intelligence beings, then we'll have to make them worship us, or they won't work for us. I dunno. That doesn't sound to good, but just think of where things could lead. Not good. You could also go the other way and accidentally create something you don't want. Maybe a super-genius psycopathic murderer who has an insatiable lust for taking human life... I don't know. Just look at all the movies and books and stories about things like that.

Well, I have to go and get myself ready for bed. It messes me all up if I don't go to bed early enough, and then that messes up the entire week... but, I will write another post continuing that thought when I have time. Maybe tommorow.

Sea Fever

Note, I did not write this poem. I memorize poems every week, and this is one of them. I liked it so much, that I just have to post it. I love the rhythm it has. it's just so... perfect... I guess. Make sure you read it ALOUD. All poetry should always be read ALOUD. If you don't believe me ask... um... anyone who knows anything about poetry.

I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a gray mist, on th sea's face, and a gray dawn breaking.

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way where the winds like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And a quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Something Happy

According to a certain someone (who's name I will not disclose), I am too sad, dark, and depressing (there may be some truth in that... then again, there may not). So, I composed two 'happy' poems to appease her--oops, I mean, the aforementioned.


Smarties are a joy to eat
For when you pop those suckers in
They start releasing joy so sweet
You suck them untill they begin
To dissapate; to get real thin,
And then you bite 'em just like meat
Those little pieces of sugar sweet.

Of Happy things

I sing of happy things, oh yes,
Like kitties! (wait, they're sometimes pests)
Or maybe sunsets musical!
(I'm sorry, I'm trying my best)
Or bloggers blogging happy things,
Robins, joyfull, building nest,
The busy beetle, the growing tree...
I could go on all through the day!
(Naw, that's a lie, only for pay)

A Darkening World

I was feeling kind of... well, dark I guess. So, in response to the mood, I wrote this poem. I think it sounds kind of cool.

A Darkening World

Dark illusions flashing past,
Innocence broken much too fast,
Bloody wars and bloody crimes,
These are extremely unsafe times.
The young will die, the old will live,
Will we ever learn to give?
Will we ever learn at all?
If we do, content will maul
Our sense of justice, peace, and good.
We don't care even though we should.

You know something...

I just realized that I've posted more in two or three days than the average person posts in a week. Er, make that a month. OK, sorry, no, year. Isn't that interesting. I think it's just because I like to write. Yes, I think it's because I like to write. That's it. I like to write. Oh, did I say this already...? well, in case I didn't: I like to write.

I think writing is good for one. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. It solidifies facts, ideas, and beliefs in your mind, helps you to figure out exacly what you're thinking, displays the stupidity you see in things... I believe writing is a good thing. Yes. Oh, and then of course, you need to write in life a lot... most probably for your job. And if not that, you will if you get a college education. It's actually kind of fun rambling on like this... about whatever's on my mind. Sometimes you can even make people laugh when they read. But... I just am not to skilled at that. I mean, my writing is always so serious... I just can't make people laugh. I dunno. Maybe it takes a special ability to write comedy. Nah, just takes practice (like about everything else in the entire world does...).

Boy, I'm glad I have that 'Random Ramblings' label, cause there sure would be alot of 'em if I didn't...

FPSs and RPGs

War is so cool. I want to be a soldier when I grow up, and have a gun, and shoot people, just like in my video games!

Man. How are these games affecting us. I just want to say, they are not doing anything good, at least from a Christian perspective. If you're an atheist, well, then heck, don't read any further. I have heard people (christian teens and adults) say that these games only affect you as much as you let them. If you're a sensitive person, or are more prone to violence, or whatever... I mean, I don't really get their point. How you can think that? First of all, they affect everybody the same. Maybe some people are better at containing it, but it most CERTAINLY does have an effect. It desensitizes you (and there have been studies on this). You just don't react to violence anymore. It's like it's... gosh... NORMAL.

All of the above shouldn't even be in question. The question isn't 'is it going to adversely affect me', it's, 'Does GOD want me to be dwelling on this'. I mean, I don't know of anywhere in the Bible where it says we should be pretending to go around shooting, knifing, grenading, machine gunning, hacking, sawing, stabbing, slicing, and otherwise mutilating other human beings... or aliens or creatures or animals for that matter... I think I must be missing something. And it must be pretty big...
*goes off scratching head, wondering what is missing*

*comes back after an hour of meditation still confused*

Well, I think that there should be a major video game reform... oh no, wait, maybe we should just GET RID OF THEM. Hum, that would seem to solve the problem. I'm sure if certain people read the previous sentence, they might have a bit of an adverse reaction (e.g. jaw drops, excess saliva secretions might drip from the mouth, eyes might boggle abnormally, body would go limp, or maybe they would have a sesiure... you know, the normal surprise reactions). But if you think about it... how can video games be good? I mean... Really, you'd have to stretch things to make an argument... and it'd probably look like a pea to a star if you compared the two. Sure, I play video games. I'd even play M shooters if my parents let me (or any old one for that matter), but they don't. I know it's bad... but somehow, my better judgement isn't strong enough yet. Well, that's what God made parents for.
*sighs and wonders whatever he would do without his parents*

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sinking Friends

This is a paper I did for my Great Books Class about The Battle of Salamis By during the Persian wars. I think it turned out OK, so, I shall post it.

Sinking Friends

September 28, 480 BC. The cool sea breeze brushed Artemesia's face gently as she squinted into the gray, early morning hours. All night the Persian navy had been closing off escape for the Greek fleet. Among the soldiers she had heard it whispered that the Greeks were panicking and fighting amongst themselves. It was growing lighter now, the sun quickly ascending a cloudless sky. The oars of the rowers below swished in their hypnotic, monotonous rhythm, propelling the boat forward.
“Do you think they'll get away?” said a craggy voice behind her.
Turning around, she saw Acacius, her second in command. He was an old, tough-as-nails ship-captain who'd been on the water from childhood till now. Deliberately Artemesia began pacing the deck. “They aren't going to get away. I just hope they don't stay in that bay, Salamis I think they call it. It's too small. Not enough room for us.” Artemesia had not been enthusiastic when Xerxes had drafted Caria, in southern Ionia, to conquer the Greeks. She was queen of Caria, not a soldier. But while she was here, she might as well do a good job and destroy the Greeks.
There was a shout. “Enemy fleet sighted!”
Artemesia sprinted to the bow and gazed west. A couple of white specks had appeared on the horizon, and were quickly growing larger. Soon the line of Greek ships was in plain sight. “Form up Marines!” she yelled. As the soldiers on board organized themselves behind her, something strange happened. Instead of advancing, the Greek ships had turned around, and were now retreating. Scornfully, Artemesia pointed and said, “Look at them, they are so scared of me that they turn and run. Cowards.” Scattered snickers sounded behind her.
After an hour of pursuit, Artemesia began to wonder how much further the Greeks would go. Then, one of the opposing ships stopped, turned around, and raced straight for the Persian lines. There was a sickening crunch as it's underwater bronze-covered ram smashed into one of Artemesia's contingent's vessels. Viciously the enemy hoplites lowered their spears and stormed onto the Carian vessel. Shifting her gaze back towards the main body of Greeks, she witnessed the entire fleet turning about. “Ready marines!” she bawled. “Attack speed!” Her heart beat faster as the gap between the two fleets diminished, and the tempo of oars increased. “Men of Caria,” she shouted, Let the sea run red with Greek blood! Let them flee blindly in fear before us.” Resolutely she turned to face the oncoming Greek ships, gripping her spear firmly.
One of the enemy ships seemed to have singled her out, and was headed straight towards her. Watching the other craft carefully, she waited until they had almost collided, then commanded, “Rake maneuver.” Quickly her oars locked, and the ship careened to starboard. With a smile, she watched as the other commander desperately ordered his oars locked as well. But it was too late. Her oars, which were horizontal with the water and locked into place, raked across the others, crushing the men behind them. Screams of pain came from below deck on the other ship, while marines pelted her vessel with arrows. Her archers replied with a volley of their own. She grimaced. This was going to be one furious fight.
Xerxes had made it clear at the outset that a Greek victory was impossible, but as the battle wore on, Artemesia began to have her doubts. The bay was small, so the Persians couldn't use their numerical superiority. And now, another problem was arising. Most of the Persian ships had forgotten or ignored their positions and had gone off randomly fighting. Formation was broken. She, of course, had kept her contingent in strict order, but it wasn't helping much considering the other's mess. She shook her head.
“Enemy ship bearing down,” warned Acacius, “what do you want us to do, Queen?”
The Greek trireme was whisking towards them at attack speed, and it would be only a matter of minutes before it engaged them. Artemesia's mind raced. Most of her marines were wounded or dead, and the Greeks were better trained, so her chances at hand-to-hand combat were slim. She didn't have enough power to pull off a rake maneuver because her rowers were extremely worn out. Then, she spotted a Calyndian ship nearby. Recognizing the Captain, Damasithymus, she smiled craftily. “Turn about! Head towards that Calyndian ship!”
Acacius looked rather puzzled, but he knew better than to question her, so he ran to the steersman and gave him Artemesia's instructions. Slowly her boat turned, and headed towards the Calydinian ship.
When they were garrisoned back at the Hellespont a couple months ago, Damasithymus had been extremely disdainful and scornful of Artemesia, a woman in the military. He wouldn't expect an attack from a ship on his own side, and, if the Greek saw her attacking a Persian vessel, it might think she too was Greek. She ran over to the steersman. “Ram them.”
“Queen? The Calyndian?”
“That's right.”
The man paused, then answered, “Yes, Queen.” Artemesia nodded and strode back to the bow. As they were bearing down on the other ship, she saw Damasithymus watching her worriedly. Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize her intentions until it was too late. By the time he had ordered an evasion maneuver, there was a gaping hole in his side. As her ship backed out of the mess, a cheer went up from Artemesia's crew. The Greek vessel was turning and heading towards another ship. Artemesia grinned.
“Head back to camp,” she ordered above the din. “The Greeks may have won the battle, but they haven't won the war. There are battles yet to come. In the mean time, there's no use in getting ourselves killed.”

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Heat and Health

At the momment, I am consuming a bowl of piping hot Ramen noodles. Every once in a while, it serves as a nice quick meal I can whip up with relatively no mess to clean. I'm sure you are familiar with the yellowish-orangish color of the ramen broth. I season mine with shoyu (the correct term for soy-sauce, it being the Japanese name, pronounced is 'show-you'), memmi (japnese sauce base), Franks red hot, and lot's of Indian red pepper. So much pepper that the color changes to a reddish color.

It has long puzzled me as to how people can enjoy the pain of eating spicy foods. I am a spicy food addict, and generally need at least one dish a day that makes my tongue burn in pain, and my sweat-glands excrete an abnormal flow of minerals and water. I believe that the addictive quality stems from reactions that your body makes to the pain. When in pain, or under attack, your body releases adrenaline and endorphins, which are natural (well... maybe that's not the right term, but I'm going to use it anyways) pain-killers. So when you eat something spicy, your body releases these chemicals. But, when the temporary effect of the pepper wears off, you are left with the endorphins and adrenaline. Your body likes this feeling, and so, voila, you are now addicted. That is why hot foods can be so addicting. But how could anyone enjoy pain? That, I do not no. I suppose because some of us have higher pain endurance, are tough people, can stand such things, and are generally better than other people. Ok, maybe that's not it, but you never know.

The chemical that makes peppers spicy is called Capsicum, and causes a burning sensation when it comes in contact with mammals (strangely enough, birds are not affected by it). Drinking water will NOT help reduce the pain of spicy things But things high in fats and oils will help (This is because of the molecular structure of the Capsicum).

Now one would think (or at least I would) that all this Capsicum can't be good for your stomach. I mean, isn't it like eating away the stomach liner? On the contrary, peppers have been used for centuries in medicine. Some things peppers (especially red peppers like cayenne peppers) cure (from wikipedia):

* Gastrointestinal tract: including stomachaches, cramping pains, and gas.
* Diseases of the Circulatory System. It is still traditionally used in herbal medicine as a circulatory tonic (a substance believed to improve circulation).
* Rheumatic and arthritic pains: Rubbed on the skin it causes, what is termed as, a counterirritant effect. A counterirritant is something which causes irritation to the area to which it is applied. This makes it distract the nerves from the original irritation (such as joint pain in the case of arthritis).

The Regulation of Successes

A short piece I did today; I thought it was worth posting.

PBS recently ran a program on homeschooling, an alternative schooling method currently used by about 1 – 2 million children in the United States. Ominously, Bob Abernathy started the show off by commenting on how the government has absolutely no control over what children are learning in some states. Near the end, a professor named Robert Reich stated his worries for children as well. 'How can homeschoolers make good citizens if they are shielded from what their parents think are evil influences?' he asks. 'Won't these children just become servile to their parents beliefs and make images of them?'. Then he generously goes on to say how he's not 'anti-homeschool', he just wants to see some good regulations set up. At least the program ended on a good note, with a word from Bruce short, an attorney and homeschooler, the last word. 'Unfortunately,' he said, 'education is one of those areas in which, rather astonishingly, the failures try to regulate the successes.' Going on, he explained Reich and his fellow high-board professors are really afraid of homeschoolers being outside of reach from state institutions, thus being out of theirs. Fear of losing ideological control. The fact is, homeschool-graduates tend to do well wherever they go, and that's precisely what these people are worried about. It is alarming how far and fast our country is falling. I find it ironic that part of the communist manifesto was that all children were to be publicly educated. Just look at our country now. Children are taken away at the very age they need to be carefully trained in a conservative manner, and raised in a Godly, biblical lifestyle. Instead of the former, they are shipped off to schools where a liberal atheistic worldview is dominant. What does this tell us about the direction our country is headed?

A Beam of Light

A Beam of Light

Pushed away, discarded and forgotten,
Packed loosely in some cardboard box
Peeks a troubled face amid aged wood blocks,
Personality filled, though stuffed with cotton.
A wise and kindly face, but mournful too,
It displays pain from a friend gone, untrue.

A beam of light glares through the hov'ring dust.
Buried memories walk into the room
With a familiar figure. Through the gloom
They float: the injustices of life discussed,
Long embraces, kisses, tears were all exchanged;
Together, at bedtime, prayers they arranged

He feels something changed: her demeanor.
Care and worry waxed, innocence decreased;
No longer a child, long ago she released
Her naïve youthful ways. Serener,
He thought to himself, is a childish soul,
On which heartache and trouble have taken no toll.

He spots something tightly clasped in her hand,
She lifts the thing, and points it at her head.
Ancient was he; slept by many a child's bed,
Only once before had he befriended this brand
Of soul, that gave up all hope in life.
That he must witness it again was strife.

And then she caught his sad unblinking gaze,
She cocked her head, then lowered her hand.
He saw her trying to unfile and command
Old thoughts, repressed by age. Her mind strays,
From her current task, and recognition spreads
As, quickly, toward the cardboard box she treads.

As of old, he's hugged tight against her chest
And splashed in a shower of fresh warm tears.
He's glad to be held once more, shrouding fears,
If temporarily. There he stays pressed
A tiny beam of mem'ry and hope.
Maybe, once more, in this dark world she'll grope.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Concerning appearances in general...

You may be wondering why I named my blog "Hostile Legacy". That is a good question, to which there is a very logical answer: It sounds cool. Why would you name your blog... "My Blog," "John Doe's blog," "Your stupid," or maybe from lack of creativity: "I don't know what to call my blog." I ask you, why would you name your blog that, when you could have an absolutely cool sounding name like "Hostile Legacy"?

I have come to the realization that to people, sound and look, flash and bang, is everything. They don't care about the histroy behind something. For example, if you are writing a book, and you painstakingly make each of the names meanings relative to the characters' personality, you create detailed scaled maps of every inch of the fantasy world, write entire volumes of the history behind the world, and you do this all so that you can write a good book, frankly, people don't care. If you just make up random historical refrences, cool sounding names, and make up the world as you go along, your audience will not know the difference. Put rather bluntly, they don't care. As long as it sounds cool, and it's entertaining, they don't care. Personally, I DO care. It makes it even better and more entertaining if I know thought has gone into somthing. But, then again, I'm not your 'average' person.

To blog, or not to blog

To blog, or not to blog, that is the question. And what an interesting question it is. I would say the average teen/pre-teen owns a blog. I am not exactly sure the reason of this, because they don't really seem to do much with them. Mostly, in my opinion, blogging is a waste of time, and I am certainly not one for wasting time. Maybe I shouldn't have created this blog, maybe I will spend countless hours wasting away my precious time. Then again, maybe I won't. Perhaps I will make a couple posts, and then forget about the entire thing. This scenario seems the most probable to me, but you never know. I will not spend my time writing worthless little paragraphs about what I did that day, disgusting anyone who as any sense of grammar, spelling, punctuation, at all. Rather, I think I shall post my poems, chapters of stories, and other random pieces of fiction, as well as disscusions I have with myself and any other people about anything serious or interesting. There may also be an occasional post bursting with my anger, frustration, and helplessnes at something (for example the state of the english language, or maybe the intellect of the average american youth). Like I said before, maybe I'll just forget about the whole thing or get bored of it. I guess I will just have to see.