To fortune man is just a pawn,
And till from earth he's dead and gone,
A happy life he hasn't led
For Dest'ny cares not where we tread
In life, she is a terrible judge.
If you're at peace she'll give a nudge
Then soon you're wealth she'll confiscate
And leave you poor to speculate
Why fate has been so cruel

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Futile Babble

The time was 12:00:58 1/31/07. The place, was in my chair, at the computer. I was in Latin class. The teacher had just announced breaktime (which lasts for around 10 minutes), and the chat had momentarily stopped. Then, it started up again.
"So... did you like so and so?"
"Who likes that new album by so and so?"
"Oh, I love hot cocoa!"
"I have to go watch that. Was it good?"
"I'm going to go grab my ipod."
"Man, that was the best movie ever! My favorite part is..."
And then, I stood back, and looked at the big picture. It was a sad sight, I must say. This is all kids talk about now-a-days, and it does rather appall me, although I cannot say I myself am not guilty of occasionaly indulging in such capricious, fruitless, foolish chatter. All teens, preteens, and even young adults talk about movies, video games, and music. It's kind of sad. Whatever happened to politics? Ethics? Science? Government? History? *sighs and shakes head*

O tempora! O mores!

Well. Maybe kids never talked about those things anyways. Come to think of it... they never even talked. Well, there's always time for change. I, for one, would like to see a change in that.


Ptáček said...

oh, maybe people don't like being so open in a chat box. you really can find out about a person by the little things they say. I agree sometimes it can get irratating to listen to all the "cutesy-wutesy" things. i myself am very guilty of it.

hey, ya ever heard of the song

Change by Tracy Chapman ?

its good.


Santeyio said...

well yeah, little things are fine... but think of how much more you could learn if you were discussing something serious. You're personality, traits, and beliefs come out much more.

Anonymous said...

I understand....though i'm usually grabbing a cup o' tea while the futile chatting is going on...i'm not 'up' on all the new stuff - so i can talk better about interesting things...civilization/politics/religion ect.

Nunc et Nunquam!
