To fortune man is just a pawn,
And till from earth he's dead and gone,
A happy life he hasn't led
For Dest'ny cares not where we tread
In life, she is a terrible judge.
If you're at peace she'll give a nudge
Then soon you're wealth she'll confiscate
And leave you poor to speculate
Why fate has been so cruel

Saturday, August 4, 2007

New Website

Well. Time has progressed, and I think that I like blogging. So much so, that I bought a domain, and set up a Wordpress blog. I am currently in the process of transfering the articles on this site to my new site... which may take a couple of days. In the meantime, you're welcome to check out the new site at.... (pretty cool URL huh?)

Hostile Legacy

When I'm done with the site and transfer, I'll put up a post here redirecting to the new one.


Anonymous said...

Green tea bleh. And I mean bleh.
You need half a cup of sugar to make it good. Where as coffee good any way but weak. But I also like water, milk, and power aid. All pretty good for you.


Anonymous said...
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