To fortune man is just a pawn,
And till from earth he's dead and gone,
A happy life he hasn't led
For Dest'ny cares not where we tread
In life, she is a terrible judge.
If you're at peace she'll give a nudge
Then soon you're wealth she'll confiscate
And leave you poor to speculate
Why fate has been so cruel

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Some experiments on music and humans.

Dr. Racher, a behavioral scientist, did some experiemtns on college students. She teaches at the Universtiy of CA Irvine. She tested the students with a spacial temporal iq test. This test was with no music. Next for one group, she played Mozart for 10 minutes before the test, another she played 'relaxation' music, and for the third, she played no music. The ones listening to Mozart preformed 8-10 IQ points higher than the other two groups on average.

Dr. Raucher did another experiment, this one with preschoolers. Bear with me, it doesn't exactly have to do with music, as in rock being bad, just a sort of general thing that I find rather interesting. Dr. Raucher took four different groups of preschoolers, and gave them 20 minutes of suplemental activities daily, for six months. Now, the adult to student ration was the same, classroom space, time, etc. everything was closely measured. The four subjects were these: free play, singing, computer (I'm not sure what you do with a preschooler on the computer, but anyways...), and piano. Before the six months, she gave them a spacial temporal IQ test (scaled down for preschoolers. It's like say you have a camel, then you cut it into four sections. They had to piece the four sections together.). At the end of the six months, they had all improved, but of course, that would be expected, because they were growing anyways. But, amazingly, the ones doing piano improved 46% more than the others did.

Another experiment was done to see if there was any measurable effect on human emotions from music. There were four groups, classical, new age, grunge rock, and designer music (this was sort of the point of the experiment... to see if you could manufacture music that would have desirable effects). Tests were admistered, testing for mental clarity, caring, relaxation, and vigor; hostility, fatigue, sadness, and tension.

classical: slightly increased the four positives and decreased four negatives.

new age: increased relaxation fatigue and sadness, decreased hostility

designer: increased four positives, decreased four negatives

grunge rock: significantly increased four negatives and decreased four positives


Testing said...

it's so cool how music really does affect people...

Santeyio said...

erm... yes... I suppose.

Amanda said...

Muy interestante. Two questions
(1)what is designer music? Is it like pop? Or advertising?
(2)Do you think specific composers have specific influences, or are all clasical composers the same?

Santeyio said...

I'm not sure exactly what it was, but it was music they were creating with specific influences in mind. They were trying to find out if they could manufacture music that had certain effects

I suppose different composers have varying effects. I wouldn't say they all have the exact same effects.

Amanda said...

I wonder if they could manufacture music with mind control effects...sci fi here we come! yuck
Its really incredible that music has that much influence on the human mind.